Now we're properly back in the office, we're catching up with all the various emails, phone calls and other messages that have accumulated while we were out. If you're waiting on one of these, we are on the case!
Something we've had fed back from a number of people is difficulty in printing the PDFs of the session notes from the CD. This is an odd one - we absolutely do not protect the files to prevent printing, as we know how useful this can be (and we have no reason to stop you!). We've done some initial troubleshooting here in the office, and it appears it may be related to the version of Adobe Acrobat you use to open it. However, the officially approved "James' Path of Least Resistance" solution is: we are posting all of the notes up to the Knowledge Library tomorrow, so you should have no problem printing these versions.
While on the subject, we have had a couple of queries along the lines of "Where are the notes for James' CC4 upgrade session?" There's a few bits of info here:
- There never were any notes for this session - at the time we were putting them together, the information was changing daily, so we didn't want to publish something that become out of date quickly.
- The slides for the session are already up on the support website (in this Knowledge Library article:, and James will be updating them with newer information before going on holiday at the end of next week. I will blog this once they've been updated.
- The session is one of those for which we made an audio recording, and this too will be up on the support site before long (likely in the next couple of days)
As for this blog, well, I intend to continue using it as a means of communicating what's going on in the world of seminars. I'd encourage you to post comments on here, too - one of the main reasons for doing this as a blog is to allow (and hopefully encourage) debate around the subjects raised, so don't be shy!
Right, that's all for now - I'll be posting again next week to inform of updates to the slides/notes/audio situation - and in the meantime, I'm off home to pack for Glastonbury, praying for good weather all the way :)