How's your weekend going? Bit of DIY? Time with the family? Nursing a hangover? Spare a thought for the seminar presenters, who are spending it working late, getting their notes finished in time. (Except for Mike of course, who is continuing his campaign of winding up me and James by finishing early and taking some holiday.) I've just finished for the night - spare a thought while you're finishing that pint, eh? The picture below gives an inkling to where I've been, among a pile of machines, cabling and network devices in what any sane person's house would be the spare room.

The reason for the post is something that made me chuckle earlier. Around teatime, James and I were on the phone discussing our respective sessions, throwing round some ideas for tweaks and changes. All very earnest stuff, I'm sure, and about half an hour into the discussion there was a sudden silence, then the sound of James swearing very loudly. I panicked, wondering what disaster had befallen his planning:
"What is it, mate?"
"It's gone 6.20, Dr Who's already started!"
*sound of two phones being put down immediately*
Good episode, too ;)
1 comment:
It was a good ep :) now if you had Ood you would have had your notes sorted by now. :)
Some unkind person might say that odd going evil is based on life of tech seminar presenter just before deadline day.
But that would be a cheap shot...
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